If you're already familiar with the importance of using pure skincare products for your pure skincare and your family's, we hope you'll join us in repurifying each and every day.
But if you're new to the notion of pure cosmetics and personal care products – as many of our shoppers are – we thought we'd provide a few of the reasons why we are passionate about not only providing these products, but also using them for ourselves and our families each day.
This company was founded on the realization that toxic chemicals have crept into the lives of families around the world – from formaldehyde in our furniture to phthalates in our makeup. These toxins, along with hundreds of others, have been linked in various studies to all kinds of health problems from irritating skin to more serious conditions.
There's a lot of conflicting information out there. Some is from non-profit groups with nothing to gain or lose from reporting it, and some is from companies that stand to gain – or lose – hundreds of millions of dollars based on consumer perceptions.
Amidst all the information we've researched and sorted through, three facts drive us to repurify our lives each day with pure cosmetics and personal care products:
Fact 1: The government has limited powers to oversee the production of pure make up cosmetics and other personal care products.
Fact 3: Traditional stores are outlets, not watchdogs.